7 recommendations for choosing the perfect wine glass

The shape and size of the glass can greatly alter the taste of the wine

Wine tasting glasses are more than just a container for wine tasting. Its shape or size can significantly affect the aroma and flavor of the wine.

Below we give you eight recommendations to choose the right wine glass and be able to enjoy wine more and better:

1 The fundamental principle

The diameter of the rim of the glass (the mouth) should be smaller than the diameter of the convex part (the calyx) to facilitate the concentration of the aromas in the liquid-free space.

2 The material

They must be made of absolutely colorless transparent glass. It must be made of good quality materials that can resist temperature changes. It cannot have carvings, grooves, scratches, silkscreens, bubbles, or any other decorative element. The edge should be regular and smooth, but without a lip. In order to obtain better results when examining the effervescence of certain wines, the sparkling glass may have a small frosted area inside in the central part of the internal bottom of the glass, in order to facilitate the release of bubbles.

3 Hygiene

The cup must be absolutely clean and odorless. After having been washed and once dry, the glass cannot “smell well”, nor give off aromas from the scented cleaning detergents that have been used. The cup must be completely odorless, so it is very important to use plenty of water when cleaning it. It is also not advisable to use towels or napkins for drying, as they transmit substances to the glass. It is advisable to let the glasses air dry standing up, protected from dust and environmental odors, or upside down but hanging on a rack that holds them exclusively by the stem.

4 Each glass with its wine

Currently there are some interesting collections of glasses on the market, all of them suitable for wine tasting, tall, short, large, small… even for certain occasions you have special formats, such as plastic glasses , which can take you in a hurry. However, according to the latest studies in this sector, the shape and size of the glass can significantly affect the perception of the aroma and flavor of the wine. In this sense, some master glassmakers specialized in wines have created various designs of glasses associated with a different style of wine, determined in some cases by the grape variety or in others by a specific producing region.

5 Size

The most delicate and subtle aromas, which are normally reminiscent of flowers and fruits, are located in the upper part of the free interior space of the glass, while in the central part the vegetal, mineral and earthy components are located, and finally the most heavy, such as the nuances of wood and alcohol, are located in the lowest part next to the surface of the wine. For this reason, in order to be able to successively smell the different layers of aromas, aged wines, especially red ones, are served in larger glasses, while young wines with a predominance of primary aromas are usually served in smaller glasses. size. One last note regarding the layer of aromas, when moving the glass in circular agitation, the wine moistens the interior walls of the glass, which increases the intensity of the aromas through evaporation. This twist serves to intensify the aromas but does not alter the criterion of the aroma layer.

6 The glass of sparkling wines 

For sparkling wines, the ideal glass should be vertical, called a flute, specially designed for observing the release of bubbles over a long distance and at the same time also to concentrate the aromas released in its slightly more closed upper part.

7- The shape of the cup

This last point requires a little more extension, because although it largely determines the flavor of the wine, it is one of the least known aspects for many wine lovers. The shape of the glass also has its influence on tasting, both in the perception of aromas and, especially, in the taste phase.

The shape of each glass is designed to direct the flow of liquid correctly to a specific area of ​​the tongue, and thus be able to enhance or dampen the sensations of each type of wine. The point of initial contact with the tongue depends on the volume and shape of the cup in its final part in contact with the lips, as well as the diameter of the edge and its type of termination (cut or lipped).

Glasses with wide, straight mouths are ideal for tasting the most tannic and low-acid red wines, as they direct the wine towards the center of the tongue over a large surface area, creating a harmony between the sensations of fruit, tannins and acidity. However, glasses with a wide mouth and open rim are more suitable for red wines with high acidity and moderate tannins, as the wine is directed specifically towards the edge of the tongue, increasing the fruity sensation and balancing it with the high acidity.

In any case, the rounded or lipped edge does not allow the flow of the wine to be properly controlled when it enters the mouth, thus increasing the sensations of hardness and acidity of the wines. you can buy finest wine glasses at Cath Kidston