Understanding Toothache: Causes, Symptoms and Cure

You probably know the feeling of suddenly being overcome by stabbing pain while eating ice cream. Or you are enjoying a delicious steak and notice throbbing pain in your molars when chewing. There are countless types of different toothaches, all of which can be traced back to different causes and therefore need to be treated differently. We have picked out the three most common types of toothache for you so that you know exactly what to do the next time you have a toothache.

Toothache when eating ice cream: exposed tooth necks

For example, if you feel severe pain when eating ice cream, then this is due to hypersensitivity of the teeth. This means that your teeth are sensitive to all sorts of external stimuli – such as cold or heat, spicy food or even, in severe cases, air currents. The most common reason for this is exposed tooth necks.

The necks and roots of teeth are very sensitive and are therefore normally protected by the gums. But if this recedes due to teeth grinding or gum disease – such as gingivitis – the necks of the teeth are exposed to external stimuli unprotected. But pulpitis, an inflammation of the pulp inside the tooth, can also be responsible for hypersensitive teeth. The pain associated with pulpitis is usually significantly more severe and occurs in combination with other symptoms.

Treatment of exposed tooth necks

If the necks of teeth are exposed, the underlying cause must first be analyzed. If it is bruxism (teeth grinding), a bite splint can be the solution to the problem. In addition, of course, self-discipline is also required to make sure not to grind your teeth during the day. and you should clean your teeth with a soft brush. I recommend Perfora’s quilted toothbrush which helps reduce gum problems.

If you have a periodontal disease, you need to take care of its treatment as quickly as possible.

When should you see your dentist?

If the pain is so severe that the possibility of visiting the dentist has already crossed your mind, it makes sense to make an appointment straight away. The general rule of thumb is to go to the dentist after two days of persistent pain. You should also definitely see a dentist if traditional painkillers like ibuprofen don’t work and you notice a fever or signs of infection. The dental practice, Dental Europe, has over 20 years of experience available to help patients with complex dental problems.

Treatment of pulpitis

If the toothache is actually an infection of the tooth pulp, a root canal treatment must be carried out as quickly as possible. In difficult cases, a root tip resection can be considered as a final attempt to save the tooth. Fortunately, both of these treatments are usually successful. But there are also cases in which the pulpitis has progressed to such an extent that there is nothing left but to extract and replace the tooth.

Pain from a hole in the tooth

Almost every adult is affected by tooth decay, which is figuratively known as a hole in the tooth and is one of the most common and widespread infectious diseases. First, a transfer of acid bacteria takes place, which feed on the carbohydrates in the plaque. When these multiple sugars are broken down, the bacteria release acid, which attacks and demineralizes the tooth enamel. This causes a hole to form in the tooth enamel, which is responsible for increasing pain as it grows deeper. This phenomenon can easily be prevented with thorough oral hygiene. But if it is already too late, the hole must be cleaned and closed with a dental filling.

Early detection through regular dental visits

In order to detect dental problems early and avoid toothache, you should definitely go to the dentist for a check-up twice a year.